Killer Chickens ate my Feet.

Alpaca Smack Down

Baby Okra

Reading with Daddy

Nebraska to Wyoming

Our New Home Sweet Home~ Cheyenne, Wyoming!

We didn't do a whole lot in Nebraska because I unfortunately got pretty sick there but it was our last day of driving and we did stop at a Cabelas, which was really cool!


Iowa was sky & green fields.


We didn't do a lot in Kansas, but I did find this beautiful sculpture in front of their library. I love this image, I want to recreate it some day.

Cool Bridge we went through.


The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. I was so close to it that I couldn't get a full picture of it, but I enjoyed photographing the twists and turns of the interesting structure.


In Indiana all we saw was Corn....LOTS of CORN. We decided to investigate all this corn....I found a good looking man in the maze.

We are so dedicated to our state signs, we even jumped out of the car and put the camera on a timer for this one =)

Then in the midst of all the corn we found something wonderful....

The town called.....Santa Claus (I was so excited!)

EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING was dedicated to Christmas.

The Frosty the Snowman water fountain...this was a first for me.

We discovered and AMAZING holiday decorations store filled with lights and Christmas spirit. They even had a real Santa there that sits in the store everyday-- year around, that is one dedicated Santa-man!

We wrote our letters to Santa, a little early but it can't hurt to get a head start.

Saying Good-bye to this wonderful Santa Land

Fort Knox- Patton Museum (Kentucky)

On our trip from Georgia to Wyoming our first stop was Fort Knox in Kentucky. We stayed the night at the Base and enjoyed the Museum dedicated to General Georgia Patton.