Growing Pains

By rare and random circumstances I ended up chatting with an acquaintance from my old high school. We didn't really know each other in high school it's more like we knew of each other and that was about it. We knew all the same kids, hung out in similar groups and got picked on by the same bully's. It was an interesting trip down memory lane as we chatted about how far we have come since high school. We both couldn't believe that our ten year high school reunion is soon approaching....that makes me feel OLD. 

Here is a picture of me in high school. This was one of my senior pictures my mom took. I honestly don't even look that different. A decade of life and experience under my belt and it almost looks like this picture could have been taken yesterday. 

Here is my first car, Jimmy. 

I am not sure where I thought I would be ten years from high school, I don't think I had a lot of expectations. I have a difficult time thinking that far into the future, I've never been a very strict planner. But here I am. Twenty seven years old, and wondering how do I measure my success? What is it based of off? 

Here's how I see it. 

I graduated high school having no clue who I was or how I fit into this universe. I was wondering what was past the borders of Paso Robles and what kind of people was this world made up of? In high school my best friends were very "like minded" and conservative, I was ready to live outside of their boxes. A little scared and a lot clueless I went to LA for four years and I wandered through my college career at Biola University. I had a lot of rough spots, I made a lot of stupid decisions, I experienced hurt and betrayal from my closest friends. I started dealing with real, "grown-up" stuff. 
(or so I thought, haha, being a grown up didn't really hit me until after I graduated college)

Picture from my first semester at Biola, crutches and all, courtesy of my horse:

Aside from the few negative times I experienced a lot more amazing and wonderful times. I grew up. I was challenged in every way possible, I learned who I was. For the first time in my life I didn't have someone telling me "no" or telling me their opinion about who I was. I was free to be who ever I wanted with out any expectations. I met and befriended people from all over the world, I broadened my horizons and learned for myself what I believed to be true. I felt free. I finally got to experience life outside of everything I always knew and was previously comfortable with. I have always been a Christian but for the first time my faith became my own choice and I took ownership of my identity in Christ. 

First semester roommate: 

Second semester roommate:

Third semester roommate:

Fourth-seventh semester roommate:

I can't find a picture with my last roommate. we were seniors, ready to be done with college and never really bonded very much. But I think back on all my different experiences and how living with different people has changed and developed me. These were just the gals I shared a room with there were so many more people that influenced me and shared my life during these time. Anyways. I often reflect on the past and think about how it made me who I am today. I have experienced and accomplished many different things in my life. I have reached a lot of milestones but still continue to search and seek. I grow more and more into a comfortable, calm, secure woman in the Lord as each day passes. 

I am grateful for all the people and all the life experiences. The good and the bad. The beautiful times and the ugly times. I wouldn't be the rounded person that I am today had I not got through the tough times along with the good times. I am happy to reflect back on who I used to be. I am grateful that I continue to grow and adapt to this life. Being a wife has brought me to a whole new and different place in life. I changed a great deal in college, I found out who I was. Now I am learning how to be "me" in a kind and loving way. Marriage has pointed out a lot of my "ugly" traits and inner selfishness that I am constantly working on.
I am nothing but clay in the potters hands constantly being formed & transformed, a piece of artwork that takes time and patients to be sculpted.

Paw Prints on my Heart

Here is a post dedicated to my Yorkie, Yoshi. 
This is a picture of Yoshi just after I brought him home. David was gone for the weekend in Fresno for his Guard Duty and I went puppy shopping =) This is what I came home with....

Here is a picture of David and I on our four year anniversary with our four legged kids. Yoshi and Okra.

Here is Yoshi's girlfriend. My mom got a mini Aussie named Penny and she is the pretties little dog I have ever seen. Yoshi quickly claimed her.

Yoshi on Fourth of July!

Yoshi with his woman.

Portraits of the little ones.

Family picture at Halloween, Yoshi is tucked in my arm (with his eyes closed) in his Yoshi costume =)

Yoshi at Christmas

Watching TV with about a neck ache.

I have always been obsessed with my pets but having Yoshi has taken it to a new level. I love that little three pound critter. He is FULL of personality and is incredibly smart. I am so glad that Yoshi is in our lives! Anyone who has owned or currently owns a know exactly what I am talking about. These are the best dogs ever.

Updates on 2013

I haven't been on this blog in over a year. David has completely remade my photography website so if that's what your looking for you can check it out at

Anyways the reason I popped back on this good ol' blog is to start doing some personal blogging. Not with the intention of having followers or comments or any type of attention but just as my own way to jot down my thoughts as life goes by. Life has been going by REALLY fast, maybe if I record some of it it will feel slower? I don't know but it's a start. Okay so updates from this past year....

We moved back to California...and it is SO GOOD to be home!

We lived in a trailer for 6 months...

This was a wonderful test of our marriage. Haha. I don't care how much you love your husband it is a huge trial to live in THIS close of quarters. We survived though and kept ourselves extremely busy the whole time while we were building our house!

We had a tremendous amount of help from some of our family and friends during this time. It's amazing to see people step up and dedicate time, effort, and expenses to help us out! We really feel blessed and couldn't have done it with out the people who truly care about us. We can't thank these people enough for being there when we needed them most! Here are some pictures of us working on the inside. David and I learned how to tile in a weekend from a Youtube video, thank you internet!

Aside from a new house David and I both have new jobs that we love! 

Here is David on his way to his first day of work at IQMS. My dad always made me take a picture right here on our deck every year I started school. So here is David living out the tradition...even with the dogs!

I got a job doing photography at a Tennis Club here in Paso and it is also a gym so I get to enjoy the club with my family!
Here is a picture I took of Paso Robles Sports Club lounge area, one of my favorite places to hang out and there is even an outdoor fireplace under there!

 My family and I enjoying fathers day at the club, I love where I work!

David and I are also pursing a photography business together. We have invested in great equipment and look forward to what 2014 brings! 

I even won a contest this past year! I got first place and $1,000 at Cantina photo contest. The theme of the competion was water music and here is the winning photo! 

 My mom entered a photo as well, here is her photo:

And here is Davids!

We had a great time working on each picture together! My dad gets credits for my photo though because he did get drenched helping me get the guitar out in the ocean. Thanks pops!

Well that's probably enough updates for today...I will try and check in again soon.