Fruit Roll-ups

Fruit Roll-up are one of our favorite snacks, now I can make them and eat them with out feeling guilty of consuming more unneeded sugar.

Costco sells BIG bags of frozen strawberries and I always get a bag or two so we can throw strawberries in our smoothies, but here is another great way to use them.

Put your strawberries in a pot, medium heat, and start defrosting them.

Once they boil down I throw them in the vita-mixer or a food processor to get a smooth consistency. Once you have pureed the mixture continue heating and add arrowroot or something to make the mixture thicken up.

This "jam" can be stored in your fridge for the pop-tarts I showed you how to make in previous post.

Spread the strawberry jam out on parchment paper and put in your dehydrator
and wait until desired "doneness".

Here is an example of blueberry fruit roll-ups!

Make sure you are able to check your fruit roll-ups throughout the day because you don't want to over cook them. I did that the first time and we ended up with strawberry chips, which were actually really good but not quite what I was going for.

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